When BB-8 is separated from his master, Poe Dameron, on the lonely desert planet of Jakku, he has no choice but to keep rolling. It’s all up to him to get a top-secret map back to the Resistance so they can find Luke Skywalker and save the galaxy from the evil First Order.
It’s scary to have a big job when you’re just a little droid on your own. But BB-8 isn’t alone for long. As he speeds across the sand, BB-8 meets all kinds of strangers who need his help. Should he do good things, as Poe always told him, or will that get in the way of his mission?
See how everyone’s favorite little astromech droid makes friends and foils enemies in this funny and exciting new Star Wars adventure!
My Inspiration for the book
I saw the first Star Wars film in the theater in 1977 when I was seven years old, and it was one of the main reasons I wanted to become a storyteller when I grew up. So when Disney called and asked if I wanted to write a piece of THE FORCE AWAKENS in picture book form, I couldn’t say yes fast enough! I love all the Star Wars characters, but BB-8 especially. There’s a pureness and a kindness to him. I think he has one of the strongest moral compasses in the entire series, so I knew I wanted his journey on Jakku to be one of kindness, empathy and self sacrifice. I wanted him to give things up for others at every turn, and at the very moment when he thinks all is lost, the universe steps in and rewards him for all of his sacrifices.